霹雳战狗:《闪电狗》(霹雳战狗 bolt)电影感悟

when you stuck your head, relax, turn and pull. 有时候做人做事要转换一下方式,否则还是会卡住头。

Because all around the planet, there are animals who feel like they cannot, like a little hamster, who once spends his day in the vehicle park dreaming the day when he, too, save the little girl from danger and be told, "you did! you did, rhino. You saved the day." They need a hero, bolt. Someone no matter what they are or do what is right. They need a hero to tell them that, sometimes, impossible can become possible, if you are awesome!




I have got so much to give
I swear I do
I may not have nine lives
this one feel brand new
Yes, I've lived a good one
I've tried to be true
There are something I never realized
Till I met you
How the wind feels on my cheeks
When I barking at the moon

There is no home like the one you've got
cause the home belong to you
huuu~ Here I come
Huuu~ back to you
There is no home like the one you've got
cause the home belong to you

when I was in trouble bad
I was so confused
I may not see in color, baby
But I sure can feel blue
I have been a lot of things
They may not all be true
My experience was so mysterious
Till I met you
Now the sun will rise in the east
But I barking at the moon

There is no home like the one you've got
cause the home belong to you
huuu~ Here I come
Huuu~ back to you
There is no home like the one you've got
cause the home belong to you

they act they love you,
they act they will be there for ever,
Then one day,  they packed all stuff things, and moved away, and take their love with them!
And leave their pet defending herself.
They leave her, wondering what she did wrong.

当然也总有人,they are different!

The hero must go to face their chanllege alone.


But if bolt have told me anything, that is never abandon a friend at time you need.
When your teammate is in the trouble, you go.
No matter they asked or not, you go.
knowing you come back dead or alive, you go.
When you know the struggle and then present in your mind, you go.



Is that dog looks familiar?
No, I never see him before my life.




译 名 闪电狗/明星狗/霹雳战狗
◎片 名 Bolt
◎年 代 2008
◎国 家 美国
◎类 别 动画/喜剧/家庭/幻想
◎语 言 英语
◎字 幕 N/A
◎IMDB评分 7.7/10 5,879 votes
◎IMDB链接 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0397892
◎文件格式 XviD + MP3
◎视频尺寸 640 x 336
◎文件大小 1CD 51 x 15MB
◎片 长 103min
◎导 演 克里斯·威廉姆斯 Chris Williams
Byron Howard
◎主 演 约翰·特拉沃塔 John Travolta
麦莉·赛勒斯 Miley Cyrus
马尔科姆·麦克道威尔 Malcolm McDowell
Nick Swardson ....(voice)
戴德里克·巴德 Diedrich Bader
科洛·莫瑞兹 Chloe Moretz
Greg Germann ....(voice)
J.P. Manoux ....(voice)
Susie Essman ....Mittens (voice)
Ronn Moss ....(voice)
James Lipton ....(voice)
Randy Savage ....(voice)
Mark Walton ....Rhino (voice)
Sean Donnellan ....Penny's Dad


